Letter from Gen. Legge requesting that Sampson
and Garcia be sent to Wauwilermoos

The following letter was written by the American Military Attache, requesting that Sampson and Garcia be sent to the dreaded punishment camp. (Letter provided by Dr. Daniel Bourgeois of the Swiss Federal Archives.)


                                                                                                11th August 1944.


Au Chef du Commissariat Federal
    a l'Internement et a l'Hospitalisation,
Adjudance General, 8e. Section,
Poste de Campagne No. 17

Dear Colonel Probst,

1.    Immediately following the misconduct of 2nd Lieuts.
J.H. Garcia and Oscar C. Sampson, I had a careful investigation made in order that the final result, as far as the U.S. Army is concerned, would be clear.

2.    I find the conduct of both of these officers culpable, and
request you to transfer them to Wauwilermoos as soon as possible and that they be left there until I request their return to another camp, which will not be Davos.

3.    Naturally I regret the incident which is the first noteworthy case of misconduct in Davos which has been brought before me.

        I trust that your action on this will be as rapid as possible.

I am enclosing, herewith, for your convenience, a translation in French of the present communication, together with a certified true copy of the signed original report by the investigating officer.

                With the assurance of my high esteem,

                                            I am,
                                                Faithfully yours,

                                                                    B. R. Legge,
                                                                    Brigadier General, U.S.A.,
                                                                    Military Attaché